Friday, August 24, 2007


Remember my post on the bob experiment? What I realized from that experience is that ALL tomboys go through a "girly girl" phase sometime in their lives. Either it was your mother, best friend, peer pressure or the old time favorite, that crush on the school jock, that forced you to put on a dress, some makeup or try a new hairstyle.

There comes a point in time where you have to stand up to these people and be yourself. Or you can spend the rest of your life trying to fit in with people whom you have nothing in common and they don't even know the real you because you're in a clown suit! Learn to be comfortable with who you are! Anyway, back to my girly girl point.

Remember my coworker with the tight shoes or should I say fashionable shoes? Well one day we got into a discussion regarding my engagement band (2 carats). Me being a tomboy, I wanted a plain and simple wedding band. My husband said not only did he want the best for me but it was a reflection on him as a man providing for his family. I still don't get this but the ring has grown on me and having it insured lets me sleep better at night.

The coworker asked me "How on earth can you have such ugly nails with that beautiful ring on? At least slap some polish on every now and then" she proceeded. "God, what does your husband think?" Now she was really pushing it I thought. She was making me angrier by the minute!

"What does it matter what my husband thinks? These are my hands thank you" I snapped.

"I'm just saying Rom, it's a gorgeous ring and a lot of women would kill for 1/2 of what you have. I know he paid a lot of money for that ring and it's a sign of appreciation for him. Don't get offended. I'm just telling you the truth. You can either accept it or not."

"My HUSBAND (I stressed this because she was not married) knew when he met me what he was getting. He likes me the way I am."

"Ok. Like I said, just giving you some advice."

This discussion really started bothering me. Could she be right? My husband and I have very open lines of communication. We talk about everything. Then it hit me. We never really talked about my appearance. If I ever wore something my husband didn't like he would make one little comment and that would be the end of it. I know without a doubt my husband loves me for who I am so he never really pushes when it comes to my appearance. Just little hints and he says it so softly I almost miss it! (Honey, those are getting tight. That's not a good color on you. I really like that shirt. Your hair looks good that way).

Oh my God! My coworker was right! It's all coming back to me now. I remember a couple of times my husband would hold my hand and stare at my ring. He would make a joke about how the ring could buy him a flat screen tv. He was looking at my nails!!! My dirty, hang nail, dried up cuticles, ugly looking nails! How the hell was I supposed to get this hint! I hate my coworker sometimes but in this case I have to give her credit.

I think by now my readers should know that I am cheap. I refuse to spend money on what I call girly things (manicures, hair appointments, pedicures, breast lifts, waxing, tweezing, etc). Too much money adds up and way too much damn time! Well people, once again I have to bite my tongue.

I tried for months to keep up with the nail polish nightmare. Put it on, take it off, file and buff, put it back on. I can't even find a decent color that doesn't shine like armoroil or have some kind of sparkle dust in it. The neutral colors come off too quick; I am extra hard on my nails. That stay on for 10 days super duper nail stuff does not work like the bottle says! Believe me, I tried all the stuff and spent a fortune on this nail experiment. Why the hell was I doing this again? Oh yeah, for the love of my dear husband.

One day as I came out the drugstore with new polish, I spotted a nail salon. Big letters on the window caught my attention: Discount for New Customers. Couldn't pass this up (sucker). I explained to the technician exactly what I wanted. I wanted natural looking nails, nothing fancy and no designs. I wanted short nails like I was used to. I didn't want to come in every week for a touch up and most important, I did not want to spend a fortune!

She gave me acrylics in pink with no tip, that's it. A lot of salons will tell you they have to put tips on but that's not true. Since she filed my nails down very short, it lasts about a month. My nails are super strong and shiny for one whole month and I don't have to do anything! Guess what else? It only cost $12 and I absolutely love it! Ladies, I am addicted to acrylics! Why didn't I discover this secret before I bought all that nail garbage? Maybe I need more girly friends?

One more thing: my husband kissed my hand the day I came home from the nail salon. I guess I can forgive him for not giving me a bigger hint about the ring.


Simply Bananas said...

Tomboys rule

Anonymous said...

People will often ask other things and we will discover that what some people feel is "private" is what others will call "public"; that is some people think what you or I might call "prying" is just "asking questions".

Personally, I like tomboys...okay, hell, I LOVE tomboys. Always have, though it's only recently that I have realized this. That being said, I'm not comfortable mentioning this in real life outside of very close friends due to the social stigmata attached to preferring tomboys over plain janes or girly-girls. (over the internet...not so much, as it involves a good degree of anoynmity as I do not have an actual blog nor have I ever publish actual photos of myself.) The one time I admitted I liked tomboys online, I got quite a few "stares"; the girly-girl thought I was effing insane.

My mother (who is, God bless her, if very girly and tend to get on my nerves sometimes) asked me what kind of girl I liked; I knew she would be disappointed if she knew that I liked tomboys, so I said that was private. She kept at it until we were practically yelling at each other.

Sorry for the rant; the short answer is, yes, it is "acceptable" behavior but only in the sense that it is "acceptable" behavior to go to a bar, get pissed drunk, then stagger outside; it becomes acceptable due to massive occurrance, not because of any rules of social contact or considerations of other.